Large, graceful roving puppets, escaped from a lost paradise, invite us to join in their dance.

A puppeteer embodies the characters of Little Red Riding Hood using puppets.

The life cycle of the salmon told through dance, live music and puppetry.

Large, graceful roving puppets, escaped from a lost paradise, invite us to join in their dance.
PuppetWorks! 2024
images from 2021 programming

In beautiful Veterans' Drive Park, the environs of Gallery Stratford and
on the paths and walkways of Stratford, Ontario
(up to 5 people per group)
start at $30 for your whole pod

Clunk Puppet Lab: 2 seated senior puppets, one in pink & one in a tired housecoat and boots, hold hands with puppeteers behind

La Fille du Laitier's object puppetry, magical pineapple island, vegetable people, cupcake umbrella and smiling puppeteer, grocery clerk's dreams

La Fille du Laitier's tabletop object puppetry, in silent-film style, crystalize the Scottish play, blood, sex and truth.

Clunk Puppet Lab: 2 seated senior puppets, one in pink & one in a tired housecoat and boots, hold hands with puppeteers behind
PuppetWorks! Past

A Home for Puppetry Arts
A modern commitment to an ancient art form.
We, at SpringWorks, discovered the potential of the wonderful world of puppetry in 2011 during our first festival. The show was called As You Puppet. As a reimagining of the Shakespeare classic, it was perfectly suited to the intersection of SpringWorks as an independent arts organization and Stratford, a city known internationally as a centre for Shakespeare in Canada. We fell in love with this versatile art form and have been continuously awestruck by the power of puppets. They can expand the possibilities of storytelling, bring new perspectives to complex ideas, and engage wildly diverse audiences. Puppets are unique teaching tools capable of inspiring young and mature audiences, alike.
Since 2011, we have learned more about the Canadian festivals of Puppetry and the Art of Puppetry. There have been many opportunities to form partnerships with organizations, nationally and internationally, who share a passion for this ancient, diverse, and evolving art form. Going forward, we hope to provide a vital space for this medium for local, national and international artists, and audiences. We would love you to join us on this journey.