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tapashta Episode 4

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Glass Shards & Life and Endings

Maggie is a poet, writer and artist with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies. Her pieces often focus on themes of environmentalism, intersectional feminism, and identity – particularly the joys and sorrows of being Chinese-Canadian. Her work has also appeared in Stories of Ours, Faces to the Sun, and Held Magazine. You can find her on Instagram @seethewaymaggicees and Twitter @seethewaymcs.

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Maggie Chang She/Her

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seeley quest (sie/hir) is the writer of “Modeling” so far, a trans disabled creator, facilitator, and environmentalist. Featuring with Sins Invalid 2007-15, hir playscript “Crooked” is in At the Intersection of Disability and Drama, and an excerpt of “Modeling” will be in the 2022 rEvolver Festival.  

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seeley quest Sie/Hir

Yousef Kadoura (he/him) is a Lebanese Canadian actor, writer and producer, and below knee amputee. A National Theatre School of Canada graduate, he co-curated the 2018 Flourishing series at Toronto’s Tangled Art + Disability.  He’s published in Intermission Magazine and Musagetes, and co-hosted and edited the podcast Crip Times. 

Visit Yousef's website

Yousef Kadoura He/Him

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mailling address:
217  Wellington St, Stratford, ON
Canada, N5A 2L7

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 Registered Charity   #80376 7656 RR0001

festival sites throughout Stratford & environs

is the registered charitable arts organization that supports SpringWorks and our arts presentation and educational programming

"We wish to honour the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat, and the Neutral Nation who are the traditional custodians of the land upon which we stand and the waters that flow through it. It is our privilege to share this land, which has been the site of imagination since the beginning of human experience.  


Hermione Presents ~ SpringWorks is located on land governed by both the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant of 1701 and the Huron Tract Treaty of 1827. We are mindful of broken covenants and the need for us to respectfully listen, to learn from our mutual history and to strive continuously for reconciliation at all levels. 


The responsibility to nurture this land and protect the future falls to us all and in so doing, we actively honour the wisdom of those who came before us."

Copywright © SpringWorks Festival 2023

Web Design by Jake Runeckles

Thank you to our supporters!

theatre sponsored by Gallery Stratford
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Stratford Ontario Dramatically Different logo
SpringWorks sponsored by Stratford Perth Museum
Stratford Animation Fund
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sponsored by the Stratford Festival
Theatre sponsored by Avon Maitland District School Board

EDPER Investments ltd

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