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PuppetWorks! 2021 
Surprise locations in Gallery Stratford's beautiful environs and along the patio and river walks of Stratford, ON (safely spaced OUTDOORS)

Thursday August 19
Friday August 20
Saturday August 21
Sunday August 22
9:30am - Le Trois Petits Cochons (3 Little Pigs)
10:00am - Le Trois Petits Cochons (3 Little Pigs)
10:30am - Le Loup, La Chèvre et Les Sept Chevreaux (The Wolf, The Goat, & The Seven Kids)
11:00am - Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
10:30am - Salar
8:30PM- OPENING - Something's Rotten (in the State of Denmark)
11:30am - Salar
12:00pm - Le Loup, La Chèvre et Les Sept Chevreaux (The Wolf, The Goat, & The Seven Kids)
12:30pm - Something's Rotten (in the State of Denmark) in FRENCH
1:00pm - Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
1:00pm - Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
1:00pm- Summer Music- Bookends on the Barge
1:00pm - Summer Music- Bookends on the Barge
1:00pm - Summer Music- Bookends on the Barge
2:00pm - Le Loup, La Chèvre et Les Sept Chevreaux (The Wolf, The Goat, & The Seven Kids)
2:00pm - Salar
2:00pm - Salar
3:00pm - Le Trois Petits Cochons (3 Little Pigs)
3:30pm - Le Trois Petits Cochons (3 Little Pigs)
3:30pm - Something's Rotten (in the State of Denmark)
4:30pm - Something's Rotten (in the State of Denmark)
4:30pm - Le Loup, La Chèvre et Les Sept Chevreaux (The Wolf, The Goat, & The Seven Kids)
4:30pm - Summer Music - Festival Brass on the Barge
4:30pm - Summer Music- Festival Brass on the Barge
4:30pm - Summer Music- Festival Brass on the Barge
6:00pm - Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
5:00pm - Summer Music- Vanny Hu - cello - Gallery Stratford
7:00pm - Gallery Stratford - Music on the Lawn
7:30pm - Salar
7:00pm - Summer Music -Torque Percussion at Perth County Museum
8:30pm - Salar
9:00pm - Something's Rotten (in the State of Denmark)
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